Winter weather expected overnight

The Fort Atkinson Department of Public Works has been monitoring the incoming weather event for the past couple of days, with no definitive answers as to how much precipitation and what type is expected. This event looks like it could start as rain, then change to snow, then a mixed bag of tricks tomorrow with a total accumulation of 1-2’’ as of now. 

DPW has pretreated most primary and collector streets with salt brine to help in the event of any freezing rain or minor snow accumulation. Because of the low snow predictions and the pretreated roads, the plan for this event is to have trucks out at 5 a.m. to salt the highways, collectors, and around the schools. Again, this is another tough event to predict and the DPW along with the Fort Atkinson Police Department will continue to monitor the road conditions throughout the evening and overnight and do the very best we can to clean it up!

Winter Weather Graphic